We Got Nice Testimonials

Because our clients loves us


Having gone to a number of spas over the years, I feel that I am an educated consumer. That said, I must share with you the fact that nurses at Luxury Skin Care Med Spa do not just provide a treatment but rather do a thorough assessment, evaluation and implements both short and long-term plans of actions. After two sessions of skin rejuvenation treatment and implementation of their recommendations, I found my skin looking better than it had in years. I will not be going to any other spas for skin care as – without a doubt – Luxury Skin Care Med Spa at Marina Del Ray is the best.


Skin Rejuvenation

Amy E.

My experience with Luxury Med Spa has been great! On top of the great services and results, friendly and educated staff, their equipment in particular, is absolutely amazing! The staff is always super friendly, and very patient.
I’m a forever client and wouldn’t go anywhere else even though I have to drive about 45 minutes to get there and it absolutely worth it!  I highly recommend them you will not be disappointed.

Amy E.


Catherine J.

I initially found Luxury medical Spa online, and I’m a forever client and wouldn’t go anywhere else even though I have to drive about 45 minutes to get there and it absolutely worth it!  I highly recommend them you will not be disappointed.

Catherine J.


Joseph F.

Luxury Med Spa is the place if you are looking for a Medical Spa with real doctors and nursers. The Team are educated and very professional. Highly recommended Specially for their laser treatments. Their equipment are all new  and efficient.

Joseph F.


Brian T.

Looking for the best Medical spa to get Botox and fillers by real doctors and nurses? This is the place. Won’t be disappointed.

Brian T.
